Our personal health is a concern for us and many others in Texas. To help improve our health, we'll exercise, we'll eat the right foods, some may even wear a mask when outside (don't laugh at those who do, they have their reasons). One reason some may wear a mask outside has nothing to do protecting themselves from an invisible virus but has everything to do with the quality of the air they breathe. That's why millions of Texans have been asked to stop driving their cars unnecessarily.

Poor Air Quality

We've all heard of Ozone Action Days. These are issued when the quality of the air could make it hard for those with respiratory issues to breathe. During an Ozone Action Day, we are asked to drive only when it's necessary, to get gas either early in the morning or late in the afternoon and mow our yards during the late afternoon and early evening.

For folks in the DFW area, ozone levels are so degraded that the around 8 million residents were asked to not drive their cars. At all. Instead, residents were asked to carpool, take an Uber or Lyft or ride a bicycle. If a resident did need to drive, they were asked to not idle in a drive thru or parking lot (newsweek.com).

Doesn't Affect Just Those With Breathing Issues

An Ozone Action Day doesn't affect just those with breathing issues, healthy adults can experience a sore or scratchy throat, have excessive coughing and even experience shortness of breath. A thick smog can also develop on an Ozone Action Day. A recent cold front has helped alleviate the most recent Ozone Action Day but once that passes and things heat up again, another could be issued.

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Gallery Credit: Facebook, YouTube, Google Maps, Michael Gibson - Townsquare Media, amazon.com, walmart.com, unsplash.com

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