Tyler, Texas is No Longer a Small Town and This Picture Proves it
Tyler was at one time a small town. It is not anymore. Tyler has a population over 100,000. Tyler is full of retail shops both locally owned and chains. Tyler is full of places to eat with almost every type of food from around the world. Tyler's only real weakness is entertainment. We need more places like Times Square Grand Slam. If you needed more proof that Tyler isn't a small town anymore, an aerial photo of Tyler at night from Ashley Gayle may be that proof.

For those that have lived here their whole lives, like myself, you've seen how Tyler has grown just in the last 20-25 years. You look at South Broadway and how the shops and restaurants line the street all the way to Toll 49. I can remember, in the early 90's, once you got to the mall, that was it. I think the furthest building south of there was the Red Barn.
Walmart was not a supercenter and had only two locations, on the West Loop in the building that houses Dirt Cheap and American Freight now and on Troup Hwy in the building that is now At Home.
Other than Brookshire's Warehouse, Old Jacksonville Highway didn't have much. The Caldwell Zoo was free. You could enjoy a cheap steak at Bonanza where Wagner Cadillac's pre-owned lot is now.
Tyler has grown so much and so fast in the last 20 years or so. 20 years ago, Tyler would not have looked like this when flying over:
Thank you to Ashley Gayle for giving us permission to use her photo. You can clearly see Highway 31 and 64, Highway 155, Highway 69 north and south and Highway 110 going into Whitehouse. You can see almost the entirety of Loop 323. Tyler is as recognizable as Dallas or Houston from the sky. Tyler is no longer a small town.
Makes me miss those days of being able to cruise around Loop 323 and not have to stop at a light every thousand feet. Oh yes, the loop used to be that open. If you don't believe all the growth Tyler has seen, check out the gallery below:
27 Google Street View Images That Show How Much Tyler Has Changed
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