(Athens, Texas) - Sometimes, work can suck, no matter how much you enjoy doing it. Even for us in the radio business, we will have those days that are just awful. Luckily, we do have a great boss here and that helps those sucky days be less sucky. I'm not kissing up, it's the truth.

For others, that's not the case. They could have a boss that's constantly on their case, always negative and offers no support whatsoever. This will make the workday awful and make you hate a job you love. Even with that negative leadership, your boss may not be doing anything illegal, unless it's one of the six things below.

Your Boss Could Be Breaking the Law in Texas

I work in the broadcasting industry. It is a fun job that I can enjoy coming to every morning. Yes, we can have those days where the creative juices just aren't flowing or something doesn't go our way but I have a great boss who can help me, and us, get through those rough days.

There are some bad bosses in this industry, too. I don't work under them, thankfully, but, for example, they can be harsh to the creative talent simply because their creativity isn't the same as theirs. That doesn't work in this industry, a boss has to allow that creativity to come out so we can be entertaining to you whether on air or reading our stories on our website.

Illegal Things Your Boss Could Do

While your boss does have some authority, there are things they could do that are actually illegal. For example, if you and a coworker discuss how much each of you make around the water cooler, it is illegal for your boss to discipline either of you for it.

Another example is if you complain about your job on your social media platforms or in a face to face conversation with a friend, it is illegal for your boss to discipline you for that. Those examples are two of the six things your boss could do that are illegal that you can see below:

If Your Boss Does 1 of These 6 Things, They're Breaking the Law in Texas

We need a job to earn a wage to afford the things we need in life. Sometimes, bosses can get overzealous with their authority and break the law.

Gallery Credit: unsplash.com

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READ MORE: The Texas Laws That Can Put You in Jail Even If They're Old and Outdated

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Let's take a moment and out how Tyler, Daingerfield, Canton and 12 other East Texas towns got their name.

Gallery Credit: Google Maps

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