Scary Incident at Longview, Texas High School as Alleged Kill List was Found
We've seen stories like this from around the country all to often nowadays. A student who was bullied or angry at another student or just in a bout of depression comes to school with violence on his or her mind. Teachers and school officials have to be on the lookout for the warning signs of such an incident to prevent it. School officials did just that at Spring Hill High School in Longview and have possibly prevented a major incident in East Texas.
Thursday, December 9, officials at Spring Hill High School in Longview had to notify Longview Police of a possible incident on the Spring Hill campus. Police responded and made an arrest of a student. This student was alleged to have had a so called "kill list" in their possession. Spring Hill ISD issued this statement through the district's Facebook page:
No further details were given to the media from the school district other than that a student had been taken into custody and students and staff were safe.
This just further goes to show how important any school employee is. From teachers to administrators even all the way to the janitors, these individuals watch over our kids every day. They know what to look for in regards to behavior that may seem out of the ordinary. In this case, school officials trusted their instincts and a possible mass incident was possibly stopped.
Let's hope this student did not have the intent to follow a so called "kill list" and cause harm to other students at Spring Hill High School. If this student did have that intent, let's hope and pray authorities are able to help this student through whatever trying time he or she is going through.