Got What it Takes to be A Firefighter? Longview, TX Fire Dept. is Hiring NOW
There's no denying how much many of us enjoy watching superhero movies. We love watching brave, strong, compassionate heroes battle antagonistic forces to protect their communities. It's a classic story that always resonates in our hearts. They're the movies we love to watch again and again.
But here's the thing: we have true, real-life heroes right here in our midst in East Texas.
Among the finest of these heroes are the brave men and women who serve in our East Texas Fire Departments. They serve our communities and come to us during moments of crisis.
I can't even fathom what our communities would be like without their presence. Just knowing that they're there contributes to a peace of mind that many of us take for granted.
Courage. Strength. Compassion. A heart for service and excellence.
If these are values that you hold in high regard, and you're willing to work and train hard, the Longview Fire Department wants to speak with you. They're currently hiring Firefighter/Paramedics, Firefighter/EMT-B's, and Paramedic positions.
Photo courtesy of City of Longview, Longview Fire Department
So, what does it take to become a member of their team?
They're looking for people with the values mentioned above, as well as people who love to learn and seek excellence in everything they do. They want individuals with a compassionate heart who are ready to intervene in people's worst moments with a heart to help and restore hope.
Depending on what they need at the time and for what position you've been hired, they will pay for your training. If you're hired as a Firefighter, they'll cover the costs of your Fire Academy training (usually around 3 months). If you're hired also as a paramedic, they'll cover the four years of training for that, as well.
A career with the Longview Fire Department also offers great benefits and stability, with room for advancement.
Photo courtesy of City of Longview, Longview Fire Department
Their typical work schedules are 24 hours on, 48 hours off. However, that means that sometimes you may have to work on Christmas or on your kiddo's birthday. But that's part of this career. I say career, but really it sounds more like a calling to me.
According to the Firefighters themselves, they say the days can be tough and long, but it's always rewarding work. They also say the family-type environment they work within is unique--more like a brotherhood. And when you hear how long some of these heroes have been with the department, there's no doubt they feel they've found a true work-home.
If you'd like, you can contact them to learn more. You can take a tour, do a ride out, and ask whatever questions you may have.
If you are seeking a challenge and purpose in your life, this may be exactly what you're looking for. LongviewTexas.gov/LFDJobs.
We need more heroes like you.
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