Our Top 5 Dumb Crook Stories of 2017
Many not-so-do-gooders were caught in 2017. And many of those failed miserably as they tried to make their way into the criminal world. And for that, we can laugh and shake our heads and even marvel a little at their creativity gone bad.
However, their attempts were foiled and we benefit. Here are our top 5 dumb crooks of 2017. You can click on each headline for the full story.
Here's to more dumb crooks getting caught in 2018. Happy New Year, y'all!
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College Station Dumb Crook Tries for Real Life Experience Points
I've never played Magic: The Gathering but something tells me the fantasy card game can't be worth jail time unlike this guy.
petdcatpetdcat - 2
Florida Woman Pays $3.70 for $1,800 Worth of Electronics
Moral of the story, don't try to be a clever thief when you're just not that clever.
Indian River County Sheriff's OfficeIndian River County Sheriff's Office - 3
Lufkin Dumb Crooks
If you're going to steal, first, make it something worthy. Second, make sure it's not from an officer's home.
Angelina CountyAngelina County - 4
'Mad Pooper' Strikes in Colorado
Ok, maybe it's a stretch to call her a dumb crook but this is baffling and she can be charged with a couple of crimes.
2017 FlashTrendinG via Youtube2017 FlashTrendinG via Youtube - 5
San Antonio Crooks Returns to the Scene of the Crime
So, you break into someone's house and are confronted by the home owner. Why come back to the scene of the attempted crime?
Marek Osvald via YoutubeMarek Osvald via Youtube
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