(Longview, Texas) - We hear it on the news or on social media that malls are on the decline. I don't buy it (I always intend my puns). You step into the Broadway Square Mall in Tyler or a mall in the Dallas area, they are always full of shoppers.

I still like to shop at a mall, myself. It's a large shopping area full of small shops to find anything from clothes to entertainment options to jewelry. Sure, the malls we knew growing up in the 80s and 90s are a thing of the past but they're still a vibrant option to spend your money at.

Malls of Yesteryear

Being a kid in the 80s and a teenager in the 90s, I remember being thrilled going to the mall either as a family or with my friends. We'd walk through the shops like Gadzooks and find cool shirts or stickers for our cars. Then we'd swing by the arcade to play Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and/or Street Fighter 2.

Nostalgia is a wonderful thing, isn't it? Today's malls obviously don't have that same thrill but are still fun to shop at. Stores like EntertainMart or J.C. Penny or whatever trendy shops are the popular thing today are always full of their target customer.

East Texas Mall is for Sale

It was recently discovered that one of the most popular malls in East Texas is up for sale, the Longview Mall. The Longview Mall was opened in 1978 and was also the birthplace of the Great Texas Balloon Race that same year.

crexi.com lists the Longview Mall at just over 42,000 square feet and is 98% occupied as of right now. There is no price listed for the property but it does say the mall has a Net Operating Profit (NOI) of $5.74 million.

What Would You Do With It?

If you can get the right investors behind you, the Longview Mall could be yours. Would you keep it the same? Would you give it a retro vibe from the 80s and 90s? It'd be a cool piece of property to own.

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