Recall On Fruit Sold In 9 States Including Texas
I recently discovered that Walmart delivers groceries including fresh fruits and vegetables. When the groceries arrived at my doorstep, it was like a Christmas miracle. They had me yelling out, "Yes, Virginia, I do believe there IS a Santa Claus, 'cause he just delivered all my groceries!"
I hopped on that Walmart.com website and ordered a ton of food to refill my nearly-bare pantry. I stocked up on all kinds of staples like various kinds of pasta and non-perishable canned foods. I also ordered snacks, deli meat, and bread to make my daughter Willow some nutritious lunches while she is doing homeschool this semester. I even got some apples, green peppers, cucumbers, and frozen broccoli.
It is a good thing I didn't order any fresh-cut fruits for Willow's lunch because I found out today that Walmart has issued a recall on some fruits.
The Food & Drug Administration (FDA) did an inspection at a Country Fresh packing plant and discovered some of their equipment carried Listeria germs. (Listeria monocytogenes bacterial strains will multiply in your fridge!) The FDA then notified the folks at Walmart that some of their products from the Country Fresh crew should be discontinued. The last thing we need in 2020 is another food poisoning outbreak!
If your"Freshness Guaranteed" product has a "best if used by" date that is between Oct. 3 through Oct. 11, and it is a carton of pre-cut mangoes, apple slices, grapes, canteloupe, watermelon, or pineapple, then you need to discard them immediately to be on the safe side. I dodged a bullet when I ordered my groceries last week because I usually buy their pre-cut pineapple chunks!
States affected by the FDA recall include Texas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Missouri, Kansas, Kentucky, Illinois, and Indiana.
Throw it away!
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