Little-known Facts About Tyler
Everyone knows that Tyler is the rose capital, and that Earl Campbell played football at John Tyler. But lets see if you know any of these historical facts about our wonderful city.
- Hulton Archives, Getty Images.com
Hulton Archives, Getty Images.com Bonnie and Clyde strike in Tyler.
The duo visit and borrow some cars.Who would have thought such notorious criminals would find their way to Tyler. Well Bonnie and Clyde did just that. On April 18, 1932, the duo along with one of their associates, stole two cars from Tyler and used them on their raid of Eastham prison. Wonder if stopped to smell the roses?
- salian, Flickr.com
salian, Flickr.com Let's all help clean up Tyler
Adopt a Highway cleans up.On March 9, 1985, the Tyler Civitan club adopted a section of U.S. Hwy 69 to voluntarily clean up litter on the roadside. This was the very first adopt a highway in America. Since then, it has exploded across the nation.
- Richard Ellis, Getty Images.com
Richard Ellis, Getty Images.com Let's make some guns for the boys.
Tyler helps arm the soldiers.Three men by the name of J.C. Short, William S.N. Biscoe, and George Yarbough started a private gun factory to make rifles for the State of Texas. It would soon be purchased by the Confederate government and turned into the largest Confederate Ordinance plant in Texas. Located at what is now Bergfield Park.
- androidny, Flickr.com
androidny, Flickr.com New road means new courthouse.
Tyler routes Broadway through downtown squareIn 1955, Tyler decided it was time to pull Business Highway 69 on through the square. In order to accomplish this, they had to first tear down the courthouse. Once finishing the construction of Broadway, the seventh courthouse building in Tyler history was built.
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