“Spark Joy” In Your Home Work Space
Many of us find ourselves working from home. For some, this is an unexpected gift in the midst of an otherwise anxiety-producing crisis. For others who aren't used to working from home, miss the company of others, or don't feel like have a good work space from which to do your tasks, this is yet another stressful part of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Trying to transition to a home office can be stressful. Perhaps you have kids at home or maybe your job's IT folks are still working out the kinks to ensure that everyone can get their jobs done remotely. Meanwhile, you already feel "at the brink."
It's important during times like these, and always, to do your best to create peaceful rituals and "sanctuaries" from which we can work, play, and reflect. Perhaps this is an opportunity to take a cue from Marie Kondo and turn a frazzled space at home into a work place that can "spark joy."
Authors Scott Sonenshein, PhD and the "spark joy" lady herself, Marie Kondo, have co-authored a book called Joy of Work. Here's a few of the wise tips they suggest to bring some of that joy into your work space--wherever it is for the time-being:
Don't overcomplicate your work space. It may be tempting to make sure you have every. little. thing. at hand so that you can do your job as efficiently as possible. Only have the things you truly need continually on hand. Put the other extra doodads, like paper clips and 100 extra pens, in a closet nearby. Less clutter means a more peaceful mind.
Simply focus on the most pressing decisions. Of course, this would apply to any normal work situation. Try to continue delegating, automating, or altogether eliminating the non-essential decisions right now. Put them on a calendar if they must stay and come back to the present moment and what you need to truly focus on one day at a time.
Maintain positive, HUMAN relationships with co-workers and clients while you all work from home. This doesn't mean "death by virtual meeting." Yes, we want to stay connected, but this is a time to allow ourselves to be as human as possible in our interactions with co-workers and clients. We want to continue doing business as we can, but all of us naturally have health and family on our minds. Let that be okay.
Personally, I find that generally keeping the clutter at bay does a world of good in helping me keep my mind calm. Even a minimalist approach will help you feel less overwhelmed.
If you have kids, don't be afraid to set strict, but loving boundaries. Perhaps you could talk with them each evening about how we're going to spend the following work day. Let them know if they follow through, there will be a reward together--play time, cookie-making, etc. Kids often like the idea of "going to work" with Mom or Dad. Make it fun for them.
What other ways are you bringing calm and joy to your work space in this trying time?