A New Stamp Features an Endangered Species Found at Caldwell Zoo in Tyler, Texas
One of the highlights of Tyler, Texas is one of the best zoos in the state of Texas, Caldwell Zoo. The zoo has been hosting animals from all around the world for us to see and learn about since 1953. Recently, the zoo has contributed to the revitalization of the Texas horned lizard population. It is an impressive zoo with a lot of research being done. One animal you can see at Caldwell Zoo in the Attwater's prairie chicken. That same endangered animal from the zoo is featured on a set of stamps that released today.
New USPS Forever Stamps
The United States Postal Service (USPS) released a new set of Forever stamps today. These stamps feature photos of endangered animals from Joel Sartore's National Geographic Photo Ark project which wants to document the endangered species being cared for in our country's zoos. Caldwell Zoo partnered with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to help save this endangered chicken from extinction. The zoo set up a breeding area for the endangered animal in 1992 and has been working on this project ever since.
The Caldwell Zoo is proud to be in a group of Texas Zoos, along with our partners at Texas Parks and Wildlife, that has identified the Attwater's Prairie Chicken as a Texas treasure and a valuable part of a shrinking ecosystem. The Attwater's Prairie Chicken is now found only in the state of Texas, with a wild population of approximately 180 individuals. The Caldwell Zoo staff is working hard, along with the resources provided to us by each paying guest, to propagate and reintroduce this unique bird back into protected coastal grasslands in Texas. - Caldwell Zoo
The stamps are available today at the post office if you want to pick up a book of them. For those that still collect stamps, these would make a very colorful addition to the collection. Take some time with the family this summer and visit the Caldwell Zoo, you will not only have a lot of fun but will learn about the different animals of the world.